Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Tip of the Week

Several months ago I had the privilege of engaging in private sessions with Eloqui. (www.eloqui.biz) It was by far the best experience I have had in enhancing my public speaking skills. There is such a defined art that goes into the "act" of public speaking that many don't realize. Simply the way the mind reacts to certain visual cues in the cerebral cortex and how there is a natural pattern, relationship and progression to the way we interact with one another is astounding. Too much to go into detail here but here's their tip of the week.


LIKEABILITY QUOTIENT: There is an approximate honeymoon period of 45 seconds, when the audience decides whether a speaker is interesting and worth listening to. Most speakers waste this window of opportunity with polite generalities, trite phrases or jokes. One of the most effective ways to transition into a successful “marriage” was documented in a study on Impression Management and Interpersonal Behavior assessing a speaker’s “likeability quotient”. The two most important factors were that the speaker revealed something about themselves or their take on a subject in their opening remarks, and the presentation was always tailored to the specific audience.


“CEOs are reluctant to tell stories about themselves. But when you share a bit of yourself with others, you win their trust and affection, and they will more readily buy into what you are promoting.”
James C. Humes (professor of Language and Leadership at the University of Southern Colorado, and
speechwriter for 3 presidents)


Melliloquent: Speaking harmoniously or sweetly

MANIA OF THE WEEK: (New category)

Gamomania: Obsession with issuing odd marriage proposals

4th of JULY PHOBIA: (Thanks to Mike A.)

Taxidermaphobia: The fear of eating so much you'll leave the table stuffed


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