Thursday, June 30, 2005

2005 Toyota Prius (1 month review)

Its been about a month now since I purchased my 2005 Millennium Silver Toyota Prius, so I thought I'd write a brief review on this technological wonderbread.

Yes. It is true that I've almost quadrupled the mileage I was getting in my SUV and almost quintupled the mileage in my Viper, but I am getting nowhere near the purported 50-60MPG! Talk about false advertisement. And although I am fairly content with the cool gadgetry found in my new car including the wonders of the Smart Key ignition, and GPS Navigation system, this is plain highway robbery. $30K spent for a car that could double as Toast-R-Oven, and nary a luxury feature, I'm beginning to think I might be better off with the new Honda Accord Hybrid. But then, I'll be ''just another Asian" with a Honda Accord.

It is a nice feeling to know that your PZEV vehicle is assisting the Clean Air bill, but there is a real sacrifice in the area of performance. While I'm no longer concerned about sub 4 second 0-60 times, it seems from the grass is always greener perspective, that the Accord Hybrid may be a better all-around buy.

Ok, maybe I'm jumping the gun a bit here, but I am still quite pleased with having a Hybrid. Let's see how I feel in another 3 months.


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